Use "peddle|peddled|peddles|peddling" in a sentence

1. She now peddles cheap jewelry on TV.

2. Some nostrum peddled as a cure for unemployment.

3. She loves to peddle gossip.

4. He can not peddle a book deal.

5. These products are generally peddled door to door.

6. Compare sell, vend, peddle , push and flog.

7. She loves to peddle gossip round the village.

8. Imagine darling Hugh forced to peddle wood!

9. In the city's markets, on sidewalks and in alleyways, everyone peddles something.

10. To peddle ( goods ) aggressively , especially by calling out.

11. Street vendors peddle their goods along the sidewalk.

12. I needed Chimera in order to peddle Bellerophon.

13. M. It took all night to peddle here.

14. You don't pay for a boat by peddling seaweed.

15. Peddle sometimes pleasant , stop and yearn after solicitting many people.

16. A Cheapjack is a merchant or salesman who peddles cheap or poor-quality wares

17. She has been told to peddle her papers elsewhere.

18. You're going to end up peddling gas for a thumbnail of cocaine.

19. Three cabinet members tainted with influence-peddling had to go.

20. The man loves to peddle gossip all over the office.

21. But restaurants sometimes find it harder to peddle sweatshirts than swordfish.

22. We can't have you peddling your wares to the Chinese.

23. You're making the magic that's being peddled on the streets of drundril.

24. As fewer women wanted to peddle Avon products, its sales sagged.

25. With drug - peddling margins so tight, the gangs are looking to other revenue sources.

26. Popeye, the spy, smoking a pipe, peddle papa's papaya and pie.

27. Here they peddle their attack software and share information on new attack techniques.

28. Why does the farmer wish to sell individual grain to peddle food?

29. 20 But restaurants sometimes find it harder to peddle sweatshirts than swordfish.

30. It is just as likely that he was a charlatan peddling hocus - pocus.

31. 16 He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes.

32. Let the kids sell themselves the way the schools peddle their athletic programs.

33. Onyango's boss, Rosemary Njeri, herself peddled clanking crates of soda shop-to-shop as a stockist 12 years ago.

34. His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.

35. They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.

36. Alternative form of Colporteur··to peddle; to hawk to spread (gossip, accusation)

37. If she wants to peddle her renaming suggestion in China, she would have company.

38. Investment in alternative energy technologies like solar and wind is no longer peddled on environmental grounds.

39. 16 People have been peddling phony weight-loss elixirs since before the turn of the century.

40. 5 Gambling, prostitution, thievery, and drug peddling became respected occupations,[] corrupting the next generation in childhood.

41. On the other hand Indians peddle ahimsa, some spiritual mumbo - jumbo and little else.

42. These vendors know, they cheat on tribute, they end up peddling outside the wall.

43. The film does have one serendipitous subplot: the peddling of offshore oil-drilling leases.

44. Girls peddle hot spicy food in large aluminum bowls balanced gracefully on their heads.

45. If you stop peddling your bike on a hill, you’ll start rolling Backward. If you count Backward …

46. Mattan and the yellow jersey were right in the middle of the pack as it peddled hard in the blistering heat.

47. Aggrandizements in the millions — you and Hunter — from Ukrainian Burisma et al, interest peddling of state actor influence

48. Finally he found his game with whom he stood in to peddle his smuggled watches.

49. What does Bumboat mean? A small boat used to peddle provisions to ships anchored offshore

50. Forms of Corruption vary, but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.

51. The men of peddling the word for profit" in another version of Bible described as "huckster.

52. Go peddle your papers. I'm certainly not going to pay for the damage that wasn't my fault.

53. Terrorists thrive under conditions that allow them to peddle their warped and hateful messages to vulnerable people in conflict-stricken areas.

54. The New York Times reports: “Many homeless teen-agers simply live on the streets, becoming prostitutes or peddling drugs to survive.”

55. A major scientific report on climate change is casting serious doubts on the escalating Alarmism peddled by the UN International Panel on Climate Change

56. The two warring factions within the ruling elite, which fight primarily over the spoils of power while Abjectly serving corporate interests, peddle alternative realities

57. A Cyclist has sparked outrage in Belgium after using his knee to knock over a child that was blocking his way before peddling off

58. Clonking sound when moving forward without peddle assist, can be something simple like your wheel axle nut is loose, causing your tire to wobble

59. Robert Lanza and Deepak Chopra (just the fact that he is associated with it should discredit it right there) have been peddling this bizarre notion of Biocentrism, …

60. It cannot be established that there was an intention to obtain a profit —either for himself or for the account of Jehovah’s witnesses— by means of peddling.

61. Literature can become the consumable that carries basket to peddle, but meanwhile, also became a kind of edge tool that safeguards people to convey the right.

62. Sure, peddle a few lightning rods, pick up a couple of bucks in a shell game fleece a yokel without even scratching him and you're a scalawag.

63. In many ways, Box’d pays homage to the Automats popular across Europe, the ones that peddle food for drunk patrons in the wee hours, or convenience snacks in …

64. President Donald Trump has turned to a fringe group of Advisers peddling increasingly dubious tactics to overturn the results of the election, creating a dire situation that multiple senior

65. In my heart of hearts I realised that this had been the place, but still spent the next couple of hours peddling around on the off-chance that I was mistaken.

66. Clientelism, argue the authors, saturates the political system, and in Democracy for Sale they reveal the everyday practices of vote buying, influence peddling, manipulating government programs, and skimming money from government projects

67. An embodiment or manifestation, as of a quality or concept: "Reagan was at his strongest as the Avatar of American consensus, peddling a sunny normalcy, a happy-go-lucky and ultimately accommodating attitude" (Gil Troy).

68. AS CURBS on the advertising of tobacco increase and education on the health hazards of cigarette smoking spreads in the Western world, the giant tobacco companies have turned to the East to peddle their wares.

69. ‘They are classified in the same genealogical family as the toucanet - a smaller version of the toucan - and the Aracari - which has a differently shaped beak, and is smaller than the toucan.’ ‘The seller in the photo is peddling collared Aracaris to passersby.’

70. ‘They are classified in the same genealogical family as the toucanet - a smaller version of the toucan - and the Aracari - which has a differently shaped beak, and is smaller than the toucan.’ ‘The seller in the photo is peddling collared Aracaris to passersby.’

71. As Bonhoeffer said, they peddle “Cheap grace sold on the market like Cheapjacks’ wares.” There are too many men in the pulpit with a touch of charisma, a gift of gab, and a bag of gimmicks who go into ministry for personal gain, fame, and power.

72. ‘Look, no one Begrudges you your right to write books, peddle gossip or make money, which given the way your boss treats you, is understandable.’ ‘So when he retired from the Post Office two years ago at the age of 52, no one would have begrudged him an early rest.’